Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to remove bloatware on android

Most android smartphones comes with several preloaded/pre-installed software or apps, and sometimes these apps are useless.

These pre-installed apps that completely useless are called bloatware, almost every android phone contains bloatware inside it.

The bloatware could be from the phone manufacture itself or from the network carrier company that release the phone.

But don't worry, there is a way to remove bloatware from your android phone, but you're going to need root on your phone.

There are many bloatware remover apps on google play store, most of them are free. Here's some of them :
So go ahead try one of them, and remember you will be asking for root permission, because basically they can't work without root access.
If you want android phone/tablet that free from bloatware, then you'll need to get a nexus device, because all nexus devices are bloatware free.

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